Saturday, June 23, 2012

History is the enemy as 'brilliant' psy-ops become the news

Click here to access article by John Pilger from his blog. 

This piece provides a good antidote for the incessant reporting by US mainstream media of war crimes perpetrated by the Syria government--obviously the latest member to be appointed to the Empire's list of "evil doers".  In any area of the world where independent journalists are lacking for any reason, opportunities abound for Empire media agents to distort and fabricate all kinds of stories to serve the interests of the One Percent. I'm thinking of North Korea, Africa, as well as Syria.

I am providing this paragraph from Pilger's article in order to include links to the referred to documents:
The threats against Syria, co-ordinated in Washington and London, scale new peaks of hypocrisy. Contrary to the raw propaganda presented as news, the investigative journalism of the German daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung [see this for a summary in English] identifies those responsible for the massacre in Houla as the 'rebels' backed by Obama and Cameron. The paper's sources include the rebels themselves. This has not been completely ignored in Britain. Writing in his personal blog, ever so quietly, Jon Williams, the BBC world news editor, effectively dishes his own 'coverage', citing western officials who describe the 'psy-ops' operation against Syria as 'brilliant'. As brilliant as the destruction of Libya, and Iraq, and Afghanistan.
No one competes with Empire operatives who have been guilty of the worst human rights violations and war crimes in history.