Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A new kind of barbarism: the ‘non-people’ of Patras

Click here to access article by Matt Carr from Ceasefire.

This article reveals how the brutal methods of fascism in this age are applied very selectively to certain populations who are deemed to be surplus labor or throwaway human beings that capitalist ruling classes no longer need to fuel their engines of wealth generation. The author illustrates these inhuman practices by focusing on...
the brutal persecution of undocumented migrants in the Greek port-city of Patras, a continuum of violence that spans militarised law enforcement, the policing of protest, immigration control and the battlefields of the "war on terror"'.
Although the globalization phase of capitalism has removed national barriers for the One Percents in their never ending quest for wealth, on the other end of the class structure we find all kinds of barriers being erected to control the movement of people who desperately search for a means of survival. 

See also an excellent 23:52m video from Al Jazeera about US immigration policies and practices.