Sunday, June 24, 2012

Secret State

Click here to access article by David Malone from his blog, Golem XIV (UK).

He develops the argument, supported by evidence, that there is now a secret state that functions outside the reach of the fake version of bourgeois democracy to direct military operations anywhere in the world. It seems that the Empire's decision makers and their operatives find that functioning through any kind of a legal framework is a bit of a hassle--just like their corporations which have found that operating offshore eliminates a lot of public scrutiny. He begins his argument by exploring the corporate phenomenon:
...not only is it possible for corporate finances to be moved beyond the reach of national  oversight and regulation, but now corporate emails and other data can also be removed from national democratic and legal oversight. Corporation can now operate within any nation, making their profits there. but  without the elected government, the tax officials, financial regulators, courts or police having any power to see what the corporation is doing.
He then moves on to the secret state--the central command center for all the secret military services located in various parts of the Empire used to direct military operations out of view of a troublesome public. It is clear that all capitalist or class structured societies function only for the benefit of their ruling classes. The more secretly that ruling classes can operate, the better they can serve their interests.

The solution and challenge is to awaken the slumbering 99 Percent to this reality so that they can design and implement classless societies that provide conditions that support social and ecological harmony.