Tuesday, June 19, 2012

S.H.A.M.E. Releases Profile on Jeffrey Goldberg: Prison Camp Guard, War Booster & Israeli Apartheid Apologist

Click here to access article by Mark Ames & Yasha Levine from The Exiled. 

This prominent journalist who writes, and has written, for highly influential US ruling class publications is outed by writers for The Exiled as a hard core Zionist. This piece serves as background and an introduction to the main exposé.
...Jeffrey Goldberg is a propagandist of the worst, most disastrous kind. For the past ten years-plus, he has peddled blatantly false war propaganda, fronted for the military-industrial machine and played a key PR role in drumming up unfounded terrorist fears in order to push America into war with Iraq. Instead of being held accountable for his failures and his lies, he’s seen nothing but soaring praise and personal profits.