Monday, June 18, 2012

The Sustainability Movement: Crossing the Liberal/Conservative Divide

Click here to access article by Stuart Jeanne Bramhall from Dissident Voice. 

This former Seattle psychiatrist, who was forced to flee to New Zealand after ongoing FBI harassment, offers a good description of how political terms have become essentially meaningless in the US. This is not because mainstream media bosses and other political operatives are stupid, it is because they are smart. This confusion of terms and redefinitions have occurred simply because they want to confuse citizens so much that they will never be able figure out how the political system really works on behalf of the One Percent. It's just another, but necessary, part of their program to keep citizens so dumbed down that they will passively go along with whatever the political operatives of the One Percent decide.

However, this writer is very naive if she thinks that her excellent recommendations for a sustainable society could ever be accomplished under a capitalist system. They are totally incompatible with it.