Saturday, July 14, 2012

Everything They’re Telling Us About Syria….is False?

Click here to access article by Russ Baker from WhoWhatWhy. 

Despite the fact that mainstream mind manipulators, also known as mainstream media operators, have been producing a daily avalanche of news reports on Syrian atrocities (always attributed to the Syrian government) and US electioneering, the main reports that the public are following are those related to the domestic economy. Worse for the propagandists, the public appears uninterested, and even opposed to engaging in more foreign wars. (See this, this, and this.) 

No doubt the One Percent directors of mainstream media are desperately trying to distract attention away from a banker engineered economic collapse that has had such dire consequences for so many people. (See this, this, and this.) Also, they are hoping to prepare the American public to go along with another "humanitarian" war in the Mid-East. 

The author of this article critically examines recent media propaganda and manages to sift out some truth using his investigative journalistic skills. He concludes his examination with this statement:
There’s a growing body of evidence that we Americans are being lied to by our government, with nary a peep from the people’s representatives in the press. That’s one development, sadly, that really is not news.
Surely, he is not naive enough to believe that the American people have "representatives" in the media that have any influence over what is broadcast or printed! And zounds!--To think that our government would lie to us! (sarcasm)