Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Military Solution

Click here to access article by Tom Engelhardt from TomDispatch.

Normally I don't go for sensational headlines, but this one is understated. I think the title should be "Militarization: the New Normal in the US".  The author expresses this as a paradox:
Americans may feel more distant from war than at any time since World War II began.  Certainly, a smaller percentage of us -- less than 1% -- serves in the military in this all-volunteer era of ours and, on the face of it, Washington’s constant warring in distant lands seems barely to touch the lives of most Americans.
And yet the militarization of the United States and the strengthening of the National Security Complex continues to accelerate.  The Pentagon is, by now, a world unto itself, with a staggering budget at a moment when no other power or combination of powers comes near to challenging this country’s might.