Sunday, August 12, 2012

As mining conglomerates target Haiti, Latin America rises against them

Click here to access article by Roger Annis and Kim Ives from International Viewpoint. 
In Haiti, U.S. and Canadian gold mining companies are rubbing their hands over the riches that they believe await them. A recent study by Haiti Grassroots Watch estimates up to $20 billion, at gold’s current price of $1,600 an ounce, lies in the ground [1].
So it’s no coincidence that Washington has used its proxy, the Organization of American States (OAS), to illegally install a compliant regime – that of President Michel Martelly – whose operative watchword is: “Haiti is open for business.” Washington and Ottawa, which represent most of the international mining firms in the Americas, are adopting an increasingly interventionist response throughout the continent.
The article contains a lot of interesting revelations regarding recent political changes in Haiti engineered by Western elites to further the plundering of Haiti's valuable resources.