Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Obama Trumps AIPAC, Romney, Republicans With Yet More Iranian Sanctions

Click here to access article by Franklin Lamb from Counter Currents. 

If you want to see a sickening, but probably realistic, version of “American democracy at work”, you should read this. 
According to the Obama Presidential campaign issues staff, temporarily operating out of the Democratic National Committee HQ at 430 South Capitol Street, SE in Washington DC, Team Obama scored an electoral coup again rival Mitt Romney this week by moving fast to pull the rug from Romney’s hoped for advantage from his obsequious Israel trip. That visit, which ranks among the all-time most groveling led to even Zionist media outlets including the New York Times and Washington Post dissing Mitt’s trip as “un-presidential.”
I think that these very friendly-to-Israel media outlets were repelled because Romney was too obvious about his obeisance to Zionist interests. To be "presidential", one must be more deceptive, as is Obama.