Friday, August 10, 2012

The age of rage: welcome to the world revolution

Click here to access article by Andrew Marshall from Reflections on a Revolution

Specifically, the author is looking to answer this question: "Are we witnessing the start of a global revolution?" He starts off with warnings from Zbigniew Brzezinski, the perceptive and immoral adviser to capitalist power figures, about a worldwide reaction against social injustice; and then provides a review of all the incidents of rebellions, insurrections, and protests that have appeared worldwide during the past five years.

Given the determination of the global capitalist elites to use methods of coercion to maintain their wealth and power, I think that as more global crises occur in the forms of energy depletion and climate related catastrophes, we will see increasing waves of rebellion--but also efforts to crush these rebellions. Needless to say the future looks very ominous and the subtitle of the article, "welcome to the revolution", seems appropriate only if one is watching events from Mars. To contain the violence and suffering that lies ahead, an enormous burden of responsibility is on activists to organize an effective revolution to both contain the suffering and to construct a new social system on a foundation of social justice.