Monday, August 13, 2012

What Are They Thinking?

Click here to access article by Luke Hiken from Dissident Voice. 

After listing all the attack positions of Republican candidates that reflect class interests at the expense of the 99 Percent, this attorney cannot understand why the Republican party pursues the following positions which he insists are not in their interest:
...why do the right wingers vote against their self-interest by helping billionaires destroy public education? Why are they universally opposed to reasonably affordable health care for all citizens? Why do they rally around the fascist attempts to prosecute and silence whistleblowers who expose governmental cover-ups and atrocities? Why are Tea Party Republicans so adamant about denying women the right to abortion? Why do they feel that gun control is such an important right, given the fact that it is the poor and unemployed who are the greatest number of victims of firearm abuse? Why do they rally around a religious fanaticism that abhors same-sex marriage or equality for gays and lesbians? And, the most obvious question of all is why they rigidly oppose taxing the super rich billionaires who are rapidly destroying the natural resources of the earth and undermining every aspect of their quality of life?
I think one can present some good arguments that at least some of these positions conform well with their class interests. But, generally, I think he has a point. And, he is baffled.  

Let me offer a simple explanation which, I think, explains so much about US politics. It is the old "good cop, bad cop" strategy. The political operatives employed by the One Percent find this a very useful strategy to get people sufficiently motivated to vote the lesser evil into office--this time it is Obama--in spite of the fact that he also serves their interests. Also, this gives people some warped sense of choice, or "democracy". In contrast to these mad dog Republicans, Obama does it, that is, serves their interests. with such good sounding populist rhetoric.