Saturday, August 4, 2012

When Police Attack

Click here to access article by Ron Jacobs from Dissident Voice.

The incident that the author describes in Burlington, Vermont has quite amazed me. Because Burlington has probably the greatest proportion of progressive people in the US, police attacks occurring there provides additional evidence that local citizens have little control over their local police. The fact that their local force engaged in this attack is a very ominous warning for people across the US who still believe in the traditional methods of non-violent activism: the ruling class will inflict severe bodily harm on anyone who opposes their diktats. 
The newly elected Democratic mayor of Burlington is now calling for a conversation between the city, the police, and citizens. At the same time, some kind of investigation is supposedly being arranged. The likelihood is that little will change, and the police will be able to do what they please when situations like that which occurred the weekend of July 29th happen again.