Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Life and Death of 9/11

Click here to access article from Fars News Agency (Iran). 
They [US/NATO] have...been trying hard to hijack the Arab Awakening in order to create more client states throughout the Middle East.
Mixed in with the so-called US/NATO support for the populist uprisings, shockingly in coordination with elements of Al Qaeda (!), the international community is once again scratching their heads. Seeing the ongoing wars and carnage across the globe, they really want to know whether "the global war on terror" was just a fabrication designed to preserve America's global domination well into the 21st century? The US presidential candidates are not willing to talk about it. The American voters are equally not in the mood to care about the 9/11 anymore - when they have no jobs and no incomes.  
The writer makes some very astute observations.