Saturday, October 6, 2012

From Kermit to Coal, Book Reveals How World's Top Brands Greenwash The Public

Click here to access article by Graham Readfearn from DeSmogBlog (Canada). 

Okay, I know you won't be surprised by this, but the fact is that many people tend to believe what they see on the idiot box. Guy Pearse, an Australian researcher and author of a recent book,  ...
...spent close to four years immersing himself in some 3000 TV commercials and viewing about 4000 print and web adverts, all of which make claims of climate friendliness....

After checking the brands' actual contribution to climate change (or their lack of transparency) in more than 700 company reports, Pearse finds in Greenwash: Big Brands and Carbon Scams that the green revolution is being either grossly overblown or faked.