Friday, October 12, 2012

In Praise of Anarchy, Part II

Click here to access article by Dmitry Orlov from his blog ClubOrlov

Orlov provides a very thought provoking essay on anarchism by arguing in the tradition of Kropotkin that spontaneous cooperation (anarchy) is seen throughout nature which enables life forms to cope with different environments and threats, whereas hierarchy leads inevitably to collapse.
...when most people say “Darwinian” it turns out that they actually mean to say “Hobbesian.” Kropotkin pointed out that the term “survival of the fittest” has been misinterpreted to mean that animals compete against other animals of their own species, whereas that just happens to be the shortest path to extinction. This misinterpretation of facts directly observable from nature has led to the faulty Hobbsian justification of the economic appetite as something natural and evolved, and therefore inevitable, giving rise to the conjectured laws of the marketplace, which in turn favor nonempathic, exclusionary, brutal, possessive individualists. The result has been to enshrine mental illness—primitive, pathological, degenerate narcissism—as the ultimate evolutionary adaptation and the basis of the laws of economics. Thus, an entire edifice of economic theory has been erected atop a foundation of delusion borne of a misunderstanding of the patterns present in nature.