Saturday, October 20, 2012

Marketing Agency, Branding Hope: War, Kony, and "Three Cups of Tea"

Click here to access article by Sarah Lazare and John Wesley Jones from Jadaliyya

This is an excellent analysis of the use of current methods that draw on sophisticated techniques created by modern advertising and public relations industries to manage the consent and dissent of the 99 Percent. Joseph Goebbels, propaganda minister for the Third Reich, if he could return to life today, would be astounded by the advances that have been made by those who manage minds to serve the needs of the current Empire. Nowadays, we witness the most heinous crimes against humanity not only hidden behind the veils of humanitarian concerns, but successfully promoted by such phony concerns.
This is an important moment to reflect on the ways that militarism has affected our lives and changed public perception of the use of military violence as normal. It also gives occasion to look at how an era of endless war has given birth to some political and social campaigns that accept militarism as given, and at times outright embrace military solutions to social and humanitarian problems.