Wednesday, October 17, 2012

NYT Coverage of 'Cuban Missile Crisis'

Click here to access article by Michael McGehee from his blog Truth Addict.

There is much to recommend this as clarifying some issues regarding the Cuban Missile Crisis. I well remember that day, and I was terrified. Few people realize how close we came to a nuclear Armageddon. However, neither this author or many others such as Noam Chomsky (see this) give Kennedy any credit for the peaceful solution of the crisis. I'm convinced after read the outstanding and well researched book entitled JFK and the Unspeakable by James W. Douglass that we would have experienced a nuclear holocaust if any other US president had been presiding at the time of the crisis. Of course, credit for the peaceful solution also goes to Khrushchev and a Soviet submarine officer who defied orders to launch missiles.