Wednesday, October 10, 2012

QE3 – Pay Attention If You Are in the Real Estate Market

Click here to access article by Catherine Austin Fitts from Solari

Regardless of whether you are in the real estate market or not, this article really zeros in on the implications of the recent QE3 policy by the Fed to deal with fraudulent mortgages still carried on the accounting books of the banks. 
...the way the Fed has engineered the Slow Burn to date is to continually offset monetary inflation with labor deflation. It is worth contemplating how much labor deflation will be required to offset QE3 and how sufficient additional labor deflation might be engineered. Ben Bernanke was quite clever to tie QE3 to unemployment. The problem has become the solution, which is the basis for QE-Infinity.
She has some very useful short videos and explanations adjacent to this article which should be viewed and read to further understand the issues involved.