Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Dynamics of the Crisis in Syria. Conflict Versus Conflict

Click here to access article by Dr. Christof Lehmann from nsnbc

The author reports on the aggressive tactics used by Empire operatives to control information that NATO citizens receive including their parliamentary representatives. The measures include the targeting and killing of independent journalists, filtering and censoring of reports, blocking of the internet transmission of Iranian Press TV to European countries
According to contemporary US-American and NATO military doctrine, absolute image control is an essential element of modern warfare. 
Some current examples of the use of outright censorship in US mainstream media is the absence of reports about the continuing citizen protests in Bahrain and their government's use of brutal methods to crush dissent, and the lack of reports about the ongoing humanitarian crisis in the Libyan city of Bani Walid perpetrated by factions armed by NATO and their Arab allies.