Sunday, October 14, 2012

The REAL Reason America Used Nuclear Weapons Against Japan

Click here to access article from Washington's Blog.

This article provides an excellent summary of evidence to support arguments that the justifications given to the US public for the use of the A-bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were lies, and the real reason--demonstration to Soviet Union of awesome power in the hands of the US and preventing the Soviets from getting any rewards in the post-war Pacific war settlement. 

Truman was a poorly educated, naive former haberdashery owner who, I believe, was put into office because he was seen as a "useful idiot" to serve the real masters of the US who were well connected to Wall Street. What remains to be discovered are the names of these "masters". They were the same ones who built the foundations of our National Security State under the first CIA director, and Wall Street lawyer, Allen W. Dulles.