Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Washington’s Salafist Quagmire in Syria.

Click here to access article by Christof Lehmann from nsnbc

The author provides a very interesting take on the current situation in Syria that seems to correspond with events on the ground. Following the article is also an interesting 4:34m video interview by RT with a German journalist regarding recent Turkish intercepts of airplanes flying into Syria.
The problem for Washington and the pro-opposition coalition is that a coherent and political opposition has failed to manifest. The National Transitional Council of Syria has always been an incoherent group that was plagued by internal rivalries. Since the failed campaign for Aleppo it has more or less entirely collapsed. The influx of Salafist groups which are fighting in Syria has also led to, that ever more radical elements are demanding political influence, and Washington has difficulties to overtly negotiate with known terrorist groups about the future of a free and democratic Syria.
Surely the author doesn't believe that the US is ever interested in establishing "free and democratic" countries! Surely he means that they are having difficulties pretending to do this while collaborating with such groups. The Empire is only interested in establishing compliant, subservient countries to serve the needs of the Empire's One Percents.