Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Why Natural Gas isn’t Likely to be the World’s Energy Savior

Click here to access article by Gail Tverberg from her blog Our Finite World

She delves into the numerous problems that shale gas poses to counter the much ballyhooed propaganda found in mainstream media designed to promote the idea that capitalism can maintain its growth addiction.
...people who are counting on natural gas to solve the world’s energy problems are “counting their chickens before they are hatched”. Natural gas is a fuel that requires a lot of infrastructure in order for anything to “happen”. As a result, it needs a lot of up-front investment, and several years time delay. It also needs changes on the consumption side (requiring further investment) that will allow this natural gas to be used. If the cost is higher than competing fuels, this becomes a problem as well.
She always attracts knowledgeable people who add comments to her essays that offer additional insights.