Monday, October 22, 2012

ZOA Seeks to Manipulate Global Jewish Communities

Click here to access article by Tony Cartalucci from his blog Land Destroyer, based in Bangkok, Thailand.

This morning I have spent much more time perusing his postings than in the past. I must say that I am very impressed, much more so than I have been previously. He makes some rather startling statements and arguments; but I now feel that he backs them up with solid documentation, as I discovered this morning. In this particular article he develops the thesis that Zionists through...
ZOA intentionally perpetuates a strategy of tension used to co-opt and manipulate people on all sides of the political spectrum. More importantly, it serves as one of many propaganda fronts used to repackage frank conspiracies generated by think-tanks like the Brookings Institution, to make them acceptable to the general public. Stemming from these organizations is rhetoric that finds its way into mainstream and faux-alternative news....
I encourage you to take the time to investigate the links documenting his arguments to see if you are not also impressed.