Tuesday, November 6, 2012

An important Icelandic referendum and the media remains silent

Click here to access article by Mauro Santayana from Pravda.

According to this report, which was translated from Portuguese, the Icelanders recently voted for a referendum regarding a new constitution. (It still has to be approved by their parliament.) Funny, how we in the US heard nothing about this and other political developments in Iceland, another country which was plagued by banksters running amok. It seems that Icelanders who, unlike us, appear to be in control of their country, have committed the sin of blasphemy by rejecting the neo-liberal god of privatization.
The citizens of Iceland voted in a referendum, on Saturday (20th), with about 70% of the voters.  The basic text of its new constitution, drafted by 25 delegates, almost all ordinary men, chosen by direct vote of the people, included the nationalization of its natural resources.