Thursday, November 22, 2012

Colonial Experiments in Gaza

Click here to access article by Samera Esmeir from Jadaliyya.

Although the article frames Israeli government actions toward Palestinians as colonial experiments--and it is useful to some extent--it doesn't really capture the fundamental crimes being committed against Palestinians. It doesn't capture the horrific racist nature of Zionist ideology which informs Israeli policies and actions. (See this, this, and this.) Judging by the way they treat Ethiopian Jews, one also has to be light skinned to be accepted as an equal in Israel.  
Once again Israel, still the occupying power of Gaza, has unleashed its war machinery on occupied Palestinians. Since the start of the second intifada in 2000, this ritual has become compulsive and repetitive. Israel initiated its new round of bloody violence by targeting Palestinian resistance fighters who, Minister of Transportation Yisrael Katz explained, Israel will “hunt like beasts.”