Saturday, November 24, 2012

Lessons for Building a Co-operative Movement

Click here to access article by John Curl from Grassroots Economic Organizing

I certainly don't see cooperatives being constructed within a capitalist society as a viable long-term answer to the downward spiral of economic prospects for the 99 Percent. However, they can provide a near-term laboratory for learning how to run enterprises on a cooperative, social need basis while providing a means of survival until we can eliminate control of society by the One Percent and their sociopathic system of capitalism.
When large numbers of ordinary people refuse to accept the submissive role, societies change. But people need to believe that social change is possible. If they think their only option is to exchange one oppressor for another, they will usually choose to accept their victimization and try to make the best of it. That is why counter institutions are so important, because they are living demonstrations that better social relationships are possible and within our grasp. They are possible because, besides the seeds of the oppressor within us, we also have the seeds of mutual liberation within us, the instincts of cooperation, of sharing, democracy, equality, extended family.