Friday, November 16, 2012

The Life & Debt of Capitalism

Click here to access article by Mickey Z. from World News Trust.

The author describes a new proposal being discussed by OWS:
Building on the deep community connections forged by standing alongside (among others) rent strikers, immigrant workers, and those impacted by Hurricane Sandy, one faction of Occupy Wall Street (OWS) has conjured up an innovative new outreach idea: A Rolling Debt Jubilee.
However, he argues that its best benefit lies in the short term to build an anti-capitalist consciousness and possibly an organization for the bigger, and critically necessary goal of eliminating the system that is destroying our lives:
Capitalism is an economic system based on perpetual growth and the relentless exploitation of what we've come to call "natural resources." By definition, such an approach is unsustainable, cannot be reformed, and is thus, anti-life.