Friday, November 30, 2012

The People Have Spoken

Click here to access article by Senator Bernie Sanders from Uncommon Thought Journal.
  • At a time when the wealthiest people in our country are doing phenomenally well, we must eliminate the Bush tax cuts favoring the top 2 percent.
  • At a time when corporate profits are soaring, we must end the absurd tax policy that allows about one-quarter of large, profitable corporations to pay nothing in federal income taxes. 
  • At a time when the federal treasury is losing over $100 billion annually because the wealthy and large corporations are stashing their money in tax havens in the Cayman Islands and elsewhere, we must pass real tax reform that ends this outrage.
  • At a time when we spend almost as much as the rest of the world combined on defense, we must cut defense spending. There is also waste in other governmental agencies which must be eliminated.  
Don't let them win. The Bush tax cuts must be allowed to expire. Please sign the petition today. 

Also, economist James K. Galbraith warns on The Real News Network that the so-called crisis has been engineered to scare ordinary people into accepting cuts to social programs.