Friday, December 21, 2012

For whom the Syrian bell tolls

Click here to access article by Pepe Escobar from Asia Times Online.

I nominate this Brazilian journalist as journalist of the year, if not decade. He reduces major war criminals and chaos creators to the crazed, barbaric fools that they are. Once again in Syria we see the triumph of the Empire operatives in creating chaos by using any means necessary, even the most barbaric, to destroy another society. Who knows where their criminal actions will end, how many lives will be lost, how many families ruined? 

It is a hugely dangerous strategy that the Empire's One Percents are pursuing by destroying not only societies abroad, but also in their own nations. They are truly drunk on capitalist-corporate based power which they firmly believe is superior to that of all societies, and they are determined to destroy any society that stands in their way, and force the rest to work for them for slave wages.