Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Cradle of US-backed Counter-Revolution in Libya Becoming Ghost Town

Click here to access article from Pan-African News Wire.

Read about a recent success of American-style regime change--Libya. Yes, it is the "Salvador Option" strategy that has created another state in chaos. But, isn't that the objective of this strategy? 

Our Empire builders seem to use the strategy whenever a state poses problems and/or opportunities to enhance the power and profits of the Empire's One Percents. It worked in El Salvador and Nicaragua to contain and overturn leftist governments in the area regarded as "its backyard". It worked in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, central Africa, other areas such as Columbia, and now threatening Syria. The essence of the strategy is to arm, train, and unleash terrorist (aka "paramilitary", "freedom fighters", etc.) groups within a state in order to destabilize the country. It's clear to me that Empire's One Percents are the primary sources of terrorism in the world today.