Tuesday, January 29, 2013

In Egypt, anarchists carry the revolution forward

Click here to access article by Jerome Roos from Reflections on a Revolution
Now that the Muslim Brotherhood has effectively halted the revolution’s “long march through the institutions”, and now that opposition parties have amply demonstrated their woeful inability to pose a credible counterweight to the forces of fundamentalism, many young Egyptians have simply lost their faith in the ability of representative institutions to realize the revolution’s demands for bread, freedom and social justice. In this era of shattered illusions, many of these young revolutionaries find that anarchism – with its radical emphasis on direct democracy, horizontal self-organization and mutual aid – provides the only hopeful alternative to further tyranny.
This is another excellent posting from Roos. His analysis is well supported by links to very interesting sources.  The video entitled "The Rise of the 'Golden Dawn" in Greece" did not work on my computer, so I clicked on the video's "YouTube" insignia to watch it directly on YouTube. I highly recommend this 12:54m video to give you a flavor for what life is like when the One Percent ruling class becomes desperate by employing fascist hoodlums to terrorize people.