Saturday, January 5, 2013

Latvia’s Economic Disaster as a Neoliberal Success Story: A Model for Europe and the US?

Click here to access article by Jeffrey Sommers and Michael Hudson from NYTimes eXaminer.

Let us hope and pray that Latvia is not a model for the US to follow!
Today’s most highly celebrated anti-labor success story is Latvia. Latvia is portrayed as the country where labor did not fight back, but simply emigrated politely and quietly. No general strikes, nor destruction of private property or violence, Latvia is presented as a country where labor had the good sense to not make a fuss when faced with austerity. Latvians gave up protest and simply began voting with their backsides (emigration) as the economy shrank, wage levels were scaled down, and where tax burdens remained decidedly on the backs of labor, even though recent token efforts have been made to increase taxes on real estate. The World Bank applauds Latvia and its Baltic neighbors by placing them high on its list of “business friendly” economies....