Wednesday, January 16, 2013

NATO funding, arming, & simultaneously fighting Al Qaeda from Mali to Syria.

Click here to access article by Tony Cartalucci from Land Destroyer Report.

The author provides information to indicate that the Empire's warlords are spreading chaos by a variety of methods, especially the use of known terrorist organizations, from one country to another in the Middle East and North Africa. Today, in Africa it's Mali, tomorrow it appears that Algeria is the next target. Hence, it might be worth taking a look at what is happening in Algeria by also reading "For Algerians, a Divide on France in Mali" posted on Al-Akhbar.

...thanks to NATO, that is exactly what Libya has become – a Western sponsored sanctuary for Al-Qaeda. ...illustrating a pattern of using clearly terroristic organizations, even those listed as so by the US State Department, to carry out US foreign policy.