Thursday, January 3, 2013

The fiscal cliff deal

Click here to access article by Barry Grey from World Socialist Web Site.

The author provides a much needed early summary of the temporary deal worked out between the two capitalist parties which mostly consists of tax give-aways to the One Percent. Meanwhile, they are revving up their media engines to prepare their assault on our programs in the coming months. Yes, folks, the class war continues. What? Did you expect something different?
Part of the process is the creation by the media of a synthetic “public opinion” that has nothing to do with the real concerns and views of the population. Already on Wednesday, the morning news programs were speaking of a groundswell of popular anger over the failure of Congress to enact “real” deficit-reduction measures and serious cuts in social programs—this in the face of repeated polls that show a large majority of the population opposed to such cuts.
Also, Kevin Zeese provides more details here.