Monday, January 28, 2013

The Great Dismal: "What we speak becomes the house we live in."

Click here to access article by Phil Rockstroh posted on Uncommon Thought Journal.

Because his writing is loaded with metaphors and obscure references, I always find his writing challenging. However, I always come away with gems of insight poignantly expressed. I was especially moved by this paragraph: 
...the fate of the earth's biosphere and its capacity to sustain human life is being subjected to an unfolding, desperate campaign -- craven as it is noxious -- in its intentions, scope, and side affects, by the elite of an arrogant order to maintain their grip on privilege and power. By propaganda and coercion, they proceed, with cult-like conviction, on a course of catastrophic folly involving a race to secure and exploit the remaining resources of our ecologically taxed planet (the only planet available to us). If their agendas remain unchecked, the biosphere will be rendered unviable to our species.