Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Climate Change: The Folly of "Demanding" Action

Click here to access article by Tony Cartalucci from LocalOrg.

The author provides another assessment of the protest action on Sunday at the National Mall in Washington DC. While he makes some great points about the corporate-financial control of government and their connections with the environmental organizations which were the main sponsors of the event, he fails to take issue with the system (capitalism) that has created the corporate-financial parasites who in their mad pursuit of profits are destabilizing our planet's ecosystem.

Also, I do not like his framing of climate change in such a huge geologic time-frame in which he correctly indicates that the Earth's climate has change dramatically at various times. He follows this by suggesting that we can adapt to such dramatic changes through the proper application of technology. This is an incorrect view of things. Human life is geologic time-frame dependent. We can only exist within certain ecosystem conditions. We should not be looking at the longest term geologic time-frame, but at a human-centric time frame within which humans can survive if we cease destabilizing our planet's ecosystem.