Monday, February 4, 2013

Hidden Agenda behind America’s War on Africa: Containing China by “Fighting Al-Qaeda”

Click here to access article by Ben Schreiner from Global Research.

The author astutely reports on the latest moves by the Empire to curb China's influence in Africa and to secure more resources for its corporations. Meanwhile, its propagandists are working overtime on the US population. the American public is prepped for the opening of a new front in the unending "war on terror," U.S. intervention accelerates.
In a 2010 diplomatic cable released by WikiLeaks, Johnnie Carson, U.S. assistant secretary for African Affairs, echoed Kerry's concerns. In fact, Carson went so far as to classify China as a "very aggressive and pernicious economic competitor with no morals."

Such U.S. sneering over growing Chinese investments in Africa were aired publicly during Secretary of State Clinton's visit through African back in August. As Clinton, in a clear jab at China declared on her trip, "Unlike other countries, 'America will stand up for democracy and universal human rights even when it might be easier to look the other way and keep the resources flowing.'"