Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Meddling Australian Senator Deported from Malaysia

Click here to access article from Alternative Thai News Network, a website maintained by Tony Cartalucci based in Bangkok, Thailand. Note: I was unable to enlarge two images that needed enlarging in the article satisfactorily to post on my website, but located them on their NGOs' websites. The first from NDI is located here, and you will need to scroll slightly down to "NDI Programs", and the second from NED is here, but you need to scroll down to page 9.

Because much of the world see elections as an indication of democracy, and Empire propagandists work hard to propagate and reinforce that notion, the shaping and management of elections are vitally important to secure Empire interests--the global interests of capitalist One Percents. Hence, the need for NGOs to do precisely that.

Cartalucci has been very good at tracking the influence of Empire funded NGO's working in countries that Empire policy directors regard as important strategically to maintain their interests. I think much more exposure of this form of imperialism is critically needed to gain a more complete understanding of the behind-the-scenes forces shaping political events such as the Arab Spring and the colour revolutions. Politically oriented Empire-serving NGOs are a major weapon, often referred to as soft power operations, in the arsenal of operatives in their pursuit of world domination for the US led Empire. 

I also came across this page from NED's website that was interesting regarding organizations in Malaysia and amounts NED provided to them in 2007. Notice that these activities are always justified with Newspeak statements such as promoting "human rights", "participatory democracy", and "citizen awareness of electoral processes and voting rights".

I have yet to understand why so many countries allow Western funded NGOs and other front political organizations to function within their countries. This piece doesn't add much to that understanding, but at least it raises the issue once again and shows that some countries are starting to counter such efforts.