Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Baluchistan Belt. US-Saudi Funded Terrorists Sowing Chaos in Pakistan

Click here to access article from Land Destroyer Report.

The article brings together numerous reports and documents suggesting that the Empire and associates are deliberately promoting the destabilization of countries in the MENA region through support of terrorist organizations. It highlights the funding of terrorist groups in Baluchistan province of Pakistan and in Mali; and, to a lessor extent, it provides information on the use of soft power strategies applied through the operations of Empire-friendly NGOs.

Others (see this, and this) have seen this strategy as the Salvador Option which was developed by US operatives beginning in the 1980s with the successful destabilization of Nicaraguan's Sandinista government and prevention of the takeover of El Salvador by Nicaraguan inspired revolutionaries. From there, indications of this strategy has been seen surfacing throughout the Middle East and North Africa to further the interests of the Empire.