Saturday, February 16, 2013

The West’s War Against African Development Continues

Click here to access article by Dan Glazebrook from CounterPunch
Africa’s classic depiction in the mainstream media, as a giant basketcase full of endless war, famine and helpless children creates an illusion of a continent utterly dependent on Western handouts. In fact, the precise opposite is true – it is the West that is reliant on African handouts.

This is the role for which Africa has been ascribed by the masters of the Western capitalist economy: a supplier of cheap resources and cheap labour. And keeping this labour, and these resources, cheap depends primarily on one thing: ensuring that Africa remains underdeveloped and impoverished.
The author explains why the destruction of Libya's Gaddafi government was necessary in the Empire's quest for cheap access to Africa's treasures, and cites the use of Salafist terrorist groups to do their dirty work. Now that Mali in addition to Libya has been destabilized, Algeria appears to be their next target.