Friday, February 8, 2013

'US a police state, Obama consciously allows torture' – CIA veteran John Kiriakou

Click here if you wish to access the transcript of this interview with John Kiriakou by RT.

The CIA-NSA engineered 9/11 tragedy accomplished even more than what Kiriakou acknowledges--it launched the never-ending "war on terrorism" to justify wars of aggression everywhere in the world at anytime:
In this post 9/11 atmosphere that we find ourselves in we have been losing our civil liberties incrementally over the last decade to the point where we don’t even realize how much of a police state the United States has become.
Ten years ago the thought of the National Security Agency spying on American citizens and intercepting their emails would have been anathema to Americans and now it’s just a part of normal business.
The idea that our government would be using drone aircraft to assassinate American citizens who have never seen the inside of a courtroom, who have never been charged with a crime and have not had due process which is their constitutional right would have been unthinkable.   

Paul Craig Roberts also recognizes that this police state developed out of 9/11, although much of his arguments about it being a Republican conspiracy is off the mark. The culprit is the system of capitalism and the sociopaths it creates by rewarding them lavishly with wealth and power. It's an inevitable end result of a system that relies on theft of wealth and power. 

The US is now essentially on the same path as we have seen in Nazi Germany and the other Axis powers. Notice that one of the first acts of the Nazi regime, whose takeover of the German government was sponsored by industrialists, was the consolidation of local police forces under Himmler and the SS. Here in the US, this has been largely accomplished by the Orwellian name of Dept. of Homeland Security.

The capitalist thieves have become so habituated to stealing from workers and the environment, and have been richly rewarded for their criminal activities with so much wealth and power that they no longer fear any retaliation--the only thing that sociopaths worry about.