Friday, March 1, 2013

Austerity USA Begins March 1st

Click here to access article by Shamus Cooke from Worker's Action.
Politicians have been able to get away with this disgusting behavior because there are very few independent voices telling the truth about what’s happening. Many labor and progressive groups are consciously lying about the dynamic, placing blame squarely on the Republicans, thus allowing the Democrats not to be held accountable for their pandering to the corporate elite’s demand to use austerity to attack the social safety net. In reality both parties are jointly attacking working and poor people via austerity, on a city, state, and national level.
I have seen so much misinformation regarding the automatic cuts (sequestration) and the framing of this issue as Democrats versus Republicans. And what I've seen in mainstream media is mostly concern over support for military needs. For example, see this.

Both parties are doing a political dance to maintain the fiction of choice, but this choice is mostly about choosing the poison to be administered to the 99 Percent. Yes, each party is trying to blame the other mostly in order to maintain the fiction that there are real differences in the parties. There are differences, but they have only to do with strategy, not goals. 

One thing I believe is certain--expenditures for the military to impose the Empire's dominance on the rest of the world will not be cut. There are "black budgets" that Empire political operatives use to get around any problems posed by Congressional actions, and that is precisely why this sequestration is happening: it makes cuts to social services without really impairing military activities and assigns blame to an apparent unavoidable conflict of both political parties.