Monday, March 4, 2013

Debt Trial of the Century: NML Capital, LTD. v. Republic of Argentina

Click here to access article by Eric LeCompte and Bhumika Muchhala from MR Zine.

The brief article includes a 4:18m video which provides a concise explanation of vulture funds and how they function to intimate national governments into agreeing to pay onerous debts incurred by past leaders. 

This Western capitalist racket was so well explained by one its participants, John Perkins in his Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. Government leaders can rather easily assume debts on behalf of their nations through all kinds of direct or indirect bribes, and then leave their citizens saddled with paying off these debts for many years. 

If after viewing the video, you wish to gain more information on this racket, I recommend this report from the University of Iowa entitled, "What Is a Vulture Fund?".