Tuesday, March 5, 2013

How the Postal Service Is Being Gutted

Click here to access article by James Royal from The Motley Fool.

It's clear that the Postal Service is the latest public entity to fall victim to neoliberal strategies to privatize the world. However, the author from this investment advisory website appears to live in a world constructed by capitalist propagandists when he asserts the following:
If capitalism is about delivering the best goods and services at the cheapest prices -- and not about plutocrats wringing profits from the rest of us -- then why is the USPS being forced to slowly kill itself?

The privatization of public assets is something we've seen over and over and it rarely, if ever, works for the public. The example of Chicago parking meters is just repeated time and again. With a strong profit motive, private companies are highly incentivized to cut service to the bone and raise revenues as fast as possible. That's not in the interest of good public service, where the origins of the post office are.