Saturday, March 2, 2013

Resisting the EduFactory: Education for liberation

Click here to access article posted on Green Left (Australia).

The article describes the trend for education everywhere in the world where neoliberalism has triumphed: emphasis on technology at the expense of liberal arts education. Our masters in the One Percent don't want us to think too much about how we live; instead we must learn skills to increase the ability of corporations to exploit nature and to develop machinery that can replace  labor, all of which, increases their wealth and power over us while destroying the ecosystem.
In universities, the disciplines under attack are often also the very areas of study that critique neoliberalism and the capitalist system. This critique can cover not just universities but society as a whole. These areas of study give students skills to articulate an alternative — a new political vision for the world — and can put the attacks they face in a global context.
Resisting the EduFactory: Education for liberation