Friday, March 15, 2013

The Ecological Crisis, Socialism, and a New Society

Click here to access article by Murray Bookchin from New Compass (Norway).

Bookchin (1921-2006) was one of the most profound thinkers on the left in the US, but was mostly ignored even by the left during his time. Fortunately, other leftists throughout the world are reprinting articles like this which was published in 1994.
...the most fundamental route to a resolution of our ecological problems is social in character. That is to say, if we are faced with the prospect of outright ecological catastrophe, toward which so many knowledgeable people and institutions claim we are headed today, it is because the historical domination of human by human has been extended outward from society into the natural world. Until domination as such is removed from social life and replaced by a truly egalitarian and sharing society, powerful ideological, technological, and systemic forces will be used by the existing society to degrade the environment, indeed the entire biosphere.