Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Europe’s Stark Choice: Resignation or Revolution

Click here to access article by Don Quijones from Raging Bull-Shit (Spain).
...the system is already buckling under the combined weight of unsustainable debt, unpayable pension schemes and a derivatives market whose total value dwarfs global GDP by magnitudes that exceed all human logic.

The question is, once it does collapse, who’s going to pick up the pieces and rebuild a new, more sustainable system in its ashes? Will it be us, the people, or will it be the same bankers, central bankers and heavily compromised political half-wits that got us here in the first place? Will we bravely stake our claim to a new future, or resign ourselves, in fear and despair, to the global bankers’ totalitarian nirvana?
Yes, indeed, these are fundamental questions facing us in the 99 Percent throughout the world: basically the choice is between resignation or revolution!