Sunday, April 14, 2013

Millions face starvation as world warms, say scientists

Click here to access article by John Vidal from The Guardian

I know that Western media love to provide sensational headlines behind which lies very little context or substance, but the glaring omission of any mention of the relationship of global warming with the use of fossil fuels contained in this article illustrates, once again, capitalist media censorship in action.

In the article they make reference to the US government report, US National Climate Assessment draft report (I suspect this link will disappear at some point) upon which their entire article is based, does, indeed, make the connection. In the very first sentence of the "Executive Summary" the authors state the following:
Global climate is changing, and this is apparent across the U.S. in a wide range of observations. The climate change of the past 50 years is due primarily to human activities, predominantly the burning of fossil fuels.