Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Misreading Xi On North Korea

Click here to access article by Bernhard from Moon of Alabama

The author puts the lie to US mainstream media interpretations of statements made by China's new president, Xi Jinping, in a recent major speech. Even more important, he cites a report carried in the One Percent's chief financial organ, The Wall Street Journal (behind a pay-wall), which suggests that the current crisis was engineered by Empire agents.
The U.S. has planned the current crisis and even written a "playbook" for its escalation. Nuclear capable B-52 and B-2 are a clear threat to North Korea. It is no wonder that it responds to such threats by upping its own propaganda.
China is concerned about the Korea crisis. But if that concern influenced that paragraph in Xi's speech at all it did so in a rebuke to the United States not to North Korea.