Saturday, April 20, 2013

Secrecy, cover-ups, and crafted perceptions: False Flags – Introduction [Part 1 of 12]

Click here to access article by Barrie Zwicker from Truth and Shadows.

How timely of Canadian Craig McKee to decide to run this series just before the tragedy in Boston. Americans desperately need this sort of lesson on a device used by ruling classes throughout history to manipulate their populations into collaborating with their criminal acts. I'm not saying that the recent event in Boston was some sort of false flag or FBI contrived operaton--it's much to soon to make a judgement--but we must always be on guard to prevent such events from manipulating us into supporting ruling class activities which we otherwise would not support. We must heed the advice of other critical thinkers such as Russ Baker by asking serious questions about mainstream media coverage. We simply must grow out of the childish habit of depending on One Percent media organs to report accurately on events.

Whether the Boston bombing was a false flag type operation or not, it's in our interests to understand a major weapon used by ruling classes throughout history to manipulate people.
Everyone has seen a False Flag Operation, but few have recognized one. The classic example is 9/11, seen by millions on TV but not recognized for what it really was – a treasonous inside job.